Beta Launch Form

Become A BETA User And Help Us Create The Ultimate App! 
Be Part of Our Cosplay Revolution!

So, you interested in getting your name on the waitlist?  Our app is still under development and currently in its Beta release for testing. This means we're hard at work adding awesome features and fine-tuning the cool functions that will make Quirkz the ultimate cosplay platform.

Right now, Quirkz is mainly being used for Beta testing with a small group of cosplayers, judges and organisers, and mainly focusing on only a handful of our modules. Not all features will be available at once, but this approach will help us fine-tune the app and make it the best it can be, so bear with us.

We need your help to make Quirkz the best it can be. Explore, enjoy, and let us know what you think. Your feedback is invaluable, and together, we'll create something truly epic! However bear in mind, we are releasing only a few features at a time to make sure we get them slick, spick and span, and as we sign off each module the next will release.

The first 4 modules released are the Login/Registration/Onboarding, Individual Profiles, Cosplay Profiles, and Competition modules, with the remaining modules, albeit already in various stages of development, only being released once we happy that the Beta testing of the first 4 have passed muster.

Fill out the contact form below to throw your hat (or helmet, or wig) in the ring! Remember, we’re only picking a handful of lucky participants for this first round. But don’t fret if you’re not selected right away – you’ll be on the VIP list for our next phase of testing.

What to Expect as a BETA Tester:

Early access to a few awesome Quirkz features

The power to shape the app with your feedback

Exclusive testing at Comic Con – feel the hype!

A guaranteed spot on the waitlist for future testing if not chosen this time

Got suggestions or ideas? Reach out to us on the app, on our website, or pop us an email or even a direct message on social. Just be nice, we’re a bunch of nerds and geeks who just love cosplay.

Thank you for being a part of our quirky community!

Are You Ready To Join The Cosplay Revolution?

Apply to become one of our rockstar Beta Testers and be part of something truly epic!